Home Learning

Dear Parents,
Thank you for your patience during these uncertain times. We are collecting the most useful resources to support your child during this period of home learning.
Please follow this link to the main page: Home Learning
And follow the links below to your child's year group
Nursery: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Nursery&pid=208
Reception: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Reception&pid=209
Year 1: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+1&pid=210
Year 2: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+2&pid=211
Year 3: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+3&pid=212
Year 4: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+4&pid=213
Year 5: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+5&pid=214
Year 6: https://www.curwen.newham.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+6&pid=215
As well as class specific tasks, we also have work for specific subjects:
Resources are always being updated, so be sure to be constantly coming back to check them out