Before & After School Care
The extended schools provision at Curwen is fully embedded into the whole school ethos of TEAM and RESPECT and is an integral part of the school’s future direction.
Our extended schools objectives are:
- To increase our children’s feeling of wellbeing leading to improved attendance, motivation, attitude and attainment.
- To improve our parents engagement with their children’s learning and with our school.
- To increase personalised learning to meet the needs of our children and their families thus allowing our entire community to have more opportunities to achieve personal goals.
At Curwen we are proud that we run a wide range of after school clubs and tuition sessions for children across the school. Some after school sessions are 'invite only' and targeted at specific children, however there are also clubs that children can sign up to. Clubs run for 8 weeks in 2 blocks yearly for years 1-6. There is a charge for the clubs children sign up to. Please speak to the main office if you would like more information.
For Reception children we run 'taster' after school club sessions in the summer term only.
We also provide a successful Breakfast Club which runs from 7:45am. The charge is £1 daily, and for this your child can have a choice of cereal, toast with jam or beans, fruit. Please see our allergy tracker on the breakfast club page which is regularly updated. If your child has any allergies please speak to a member of school staff.
Please note that breakfast club will not be available to new Reception children for the first few weeks in September when they start full-time school. Generally this provision becomes available at the start of October. Children in Reception will only be able to attend Breakfast Club once they are settled in school.
The school has an after school club that is run by members of our staff. This runs from 3:15 to 6pm and offers a wide range of activities for your child to take part in and includes a snack. Information about food allergies is held by staff, and please see our allergen checker which is updated regularly. Please contact the school if you wish to speak to a member of the 6 o’clock club team about allergies.
Please note that 6 o'clock club will not be available to new Reception children for the first few weeks in September when they start full-time school. Generally this provision becomes available at the start of October. Children in Reception will only be able to attend 6 o'clock club once they are settled in school.
If you would like more information, please ask for a leaflet at the office. You can also register your child by speaking to someone in the office.
Places for 6 O’Clock Club are allocated each week on a Friday afternoon. Would all parents please note that if places have not been booked through School money (online payment system) by Friday morning, your child will not have a place for the following week. This rule will be strictly adhered to at all times.