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Curwen Primary School


Now Press Play

Here's how you can still use Now Press Play at home 

How does it work?
1. Get four pieces of paper and write the compass points: North, South, East,
West. Stick them on the four walls of the room.
2. You can either listen to the audio out loud or through headphones.
3. Now Press Play!
4. Follow the instructions in the story.
What do we do after the audio adventure?
1. Discussion - use the Experience Guide or ask your own questions such as:
'what was your favourite part? How did it make you feel?'
2. Complete the follow-on activities and worksheets.
3. Follow your child’s interests - perhaps they want to draw, reenact a scene,
write a newspaper report….the world is your oyster!

Top tips:
● Your now>press>play Experience will be enhanced if you can use wireless
headphones / earbuds.
● You will equally have fun if you play it out loud.
● Join in - it’s fun to do together!

We would love to see photos of you and your family doing now>press>play at home!

Please check out the document below for more information