RE Assemblies
Every year, each year groups does an RE assembly. Parents and carers are invited to come and see the pupil’s performances. In the assemblies, the children show off all that they have been learning about the different religions in their classes.
Every year, each year groups do an RE assembly. Parents and carers are invited to come and see the pupil’s performances. This we continued with our assembly presenting to the parents through to do Zoom. In the assemblies, the children show off all that they have been learning about the different religions in their classroom.
Reception –
Children have been learning about a variety of religions in RE this year. The First Year group was Reception, who did an assembly about ‘Celebrations’. The children performed songs, dances and artwork to show what they had learned about the different religions. They acted out the Nativity story and showed the film they made. The children showed some amazing artwork about fireworks and were able to tell their parents what they had drawn and about Diwali.
Year 1 – Hinduism Assembly
For RE the children in year 1 performed a Hinduism assembly to their parents. The children showed what they had learnt in RE, they showcase a puja tray and what each item represents, when and how it is used. The children also performed the story of Rama and Sita. This then linked into the festival of light- Diwali and how this is celebrated.
Year 4 – Easter Assembly
Year 4 performed an Easter assembly to parents and carers. We presented all our learning from our R.E. lessons in the spring term. We gave information about the Bible, explaining that it is the holy book for Christians and read information about what the Bible contains, and how Christians use it.
We went on to talk about some holy stories in the Bible and showcased our learning from previous R.E. lessons, where we discovered the tale of Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat. We explained how we identified what the story might mean to Christians. In class, we created our very own dream coat!
We narrated the story of Easter and acted it out! We also presented what some of the important symbols of Eater are for Christians and shared some Easter bonnets that we created at home.
Autumn 1
This term we have had Reception and Year 1 perform their assemblies to parents and carers.
Reception – Harvest Assembly
Children have been learning about a variety of religions in RE this year. The first Year group was Reception, who did an assembly about Harvest. The children performed a poem about Harvest and sang ‘Dingly Dangly Scarecrow’, they also did some drama by retelling of the story of ‘The little Red Hen’, which was followed up by a song about the story. The children showed some amazing artwork and were able to tell their parents what they had drawn.
Year 1 - Hinduism Assembly
In Year 1, children learnt about Hinduism. They shared what they had learnt with their parents and carers during a special assembly. They started the assembly by performing an acrostic poem, followed by a song about Hindu gods and shared information about the Puja tray used for worship. They did some drama and acted out the famous Diwali story about Rama and Sita. During the music lesson this term the children learnt two complicated songs, which they sang during their performance. They finished the assembly with a dance.
The parents’s had a display of the work the children had completed in class and some artefact they had used.
Reception – Harvest Assembly
Children have been learning about a variety of religions in RE this year. The first Year group was Reception, who did an assembly about Harvest. The children performed a poem about Harvest and sang ‘Dingly Dangly Scarecrow’, they also did some drama by retelling of the story of ‘The little Red Hen’, which was followed up by a song about the story. The children showed some amazing artwork and were able to tell their parents what they had drawn.
In our school all year groups do an RE assembly where parents and carers are free to come and see our performances. In the assemblies the children show off all that they have been learning about the different religions. Look at the assemblies we have had so far;
Nursery Diwali Assembly:
In November, Nursery learnt about the religion Hinduism. They shared what they learnt with their parents and carers during a special assembly. They told the story of Rama and Sita and sang a song about Lanterns. Finally, the parents were able to stay and look at all their work and participate in activities about Diwali.
Reception Harvest Assembly:
Reception have learnt about Harvest. They did an assembly for the parents that included the retelling of the story of ‘The little Red Hen’. They created some art work, did a dance and wrote their own Poems.
Year 1 Guru Nanak Assembly:
In October year 1 learnt about the religion Sikhism. During an assembly, they explained to their parents and carers what they had learnt. They talked about the five Ks (which are the five things that Sikh people wear) and then sang a song that helped them to remember all the 5 Ks. They acted out the story of Guru Nanak. Finally, they did a Bhangra dance for the parents and carers.