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Curwen Primary School



Curwen Primary School is committed to inclusive education, supporting and promoting the development of the whole child with a learning journey that leads every child to be the best they can be, from all starting points, and ready for the next phase in their education. We want all children at Curwen to SHINE and in order to ensure progress, they work in a vibrant, inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.

We aim to:

  • Prepare our pupils to live independently and responsibly
  • Teach our pupils to understand the rights of other people
  • Foster a respect for the environment and adults we work with
  • Ensure good to outstanding achievement and attainment for the pupils of our school
  • Have high expectations for all pupils
  • Develop and create an environment with outstanding behaviour and safety for all

These aims and objectives are established through the following (the documents can be found below):

  • Inclusion Policy
  • Accessibility Plan
  • TTLT The Single Equality Plan 
  • Equality Objectives
  • School Offer 

You can find out further information about the Local Offer here.

The SEND Information Report has been written in accordance with the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Regulations 2014.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Ms Kate Miles and she can be contacted by ringing the school on 0208 472 0290

To access Parent View, please click here. 

Please see our Policies section for all relevant information.