Local Advisory Board
Curwen Primary School has an active governing body. We act as a 'critical friend' to the school, providing strategic governance to ensure that all children receive the best possible education. The governing body meets as a whole group each term and delegates its business to a range of committees, where appropriate.
The Trust will make available for public inspection copies of agendas, minutes and reports for our meetings, including the Trust Board and any of the LAB committees. Please contact the Trust’s Company Secretary at info@ttlt.academy.
What do we do?
The governing body has an important part to play in raising school standards through its three key roles:
- setting strategic direction
- ensuring accountability
- monitoring and evaluating school performance
We have responsibility together with the leadership team for agreeing the policies for the general running of the school. Our role is crucial:
- We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and an inclusive environment
- We provide support and challenge to the leadership team of the school on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of our pupils
The governing body is drawn from the staff of the school, the Local Education Authority, parents and the wider community that our school serves. The usual term of office is four years but many governors stand for re-election and serve more than one term.
Who are we?
Mr Paul Harris
TTLT Chief Executive Officer - He is currently the Executive Head Teacher of four schools, of which he led to outstanding with Ofsted, as well as one nursery and children’s centre, all within the London Borough of Newham.
Paul is passionate about ensuring that all children are given the very best life chances and has a proven track record of tackling key contextual issues to lead schools rapidly and sustainably to being outstanding in all categories.
Named Head Teacher of the Year in 2015, Paul is also a National Leader in Education (NLE) and school improvement advisor working with schools in challenging circumstances. Paul is a regular speaker at educational events, particularly after his involvement as a member of the DfE’s Rochford Review.
Ms Joan Spencer
Joan was previously Parent Governor at Curwen School and has worked with children and young people for over 25 years in a variety of settings. She is currently working in a local secondary School as a Behaviour & Inclusion Support Officer, providing support for students who are facing barriers to learning, such as behaviour, attendance and SEN, in order to identify appropriate interventions which will assist them to reach their full potential. Previous to this, Joan worked in the Borough of Newham as an Education Welfare Officer for 7 years, working in partnership with a caseload of primary and secondary schools, including looked-after child protection. Joan is passionate about the role of parents in supporting their child’s education and strives to promote this to parents as the child’s primary educator.
Mrs Kate Mansfield
Head of School - Kate has worked at Curwen Primary School since completing her initial teacher training here more than 15 years ago. She has enjoyed the journey at Curwen as the school has grown from a 2-form to a 4-form entry and gone from strength-to-strength.
Miss Carly Tully
Since starting at Curwen 9 years ago as a support assistant in class, Carly worked as a PE assistant, Extended Schools Lead, PE Lead and a TeamUp Ambassador, before becoming a qualified class teacher and Subject Leader. Outside of school, she has managed the U14 girls at Dagenham and Redbridge FC. One of Carly's passions is to address the issues with girls dropping out of sports across the country. One of her prime goals is to get as many girls as possible participating in sports.
Ms Swasthi Mahabeer
Swasthi came to Curwen Primary School as an Overseas Trained Teacher from South Africa and has served as a Staff Governor for over 10 years. She is also the PPA Leader, teaching across the school from Nursery to Year 6, as well as the school’s Health & Safety Manager, and has seen the school grow both in size and academically. She confidently says that no two years or terms have been the same! Outside of school, Swasthi’s interests include music concerts, visiting galleries and museums, and also reading.
Mr Shaba Ali
Shaba has lived in Plaistow for over 30 years, and attended Curwen in the 90s. He still has very fond memories of his time here. Now his daughter, family and friends attend the school.
Shaba has worked for 10 years as a charity fundraiser, and is a carer for the elderly.
He also plans outcomes of council funding of £25K with the Community Neighbourhood's Team and Councillor Joy Laguda. He works closely with Mayor Rokshana on various projects and sits on the council's residents' boards and forums.
Shaba is passionate about the wellbeing of our community, regularly holding events such as BBQs, litter picks and street parties, and also volunteers to feed the homeless.
Ms Justyna Tosun- Vice Chair of Governors
Justyna is a finance professional with extensive experience in data analytics and business management.
She believes that all children deserve an opportunity to achieve their full potential, and she feels very privileged to be a School Governor at Curwen.
In her free time, Justyna is a passionate fundraiser and devoted baker.
Mrs Juliana Olayinka
Juliana Olayinka is a broadcast journalist and communications consultant with over 15 years of industry experience. She is a graduate from the University of Arts and holds a postgraduate degree in Global Diplomacy from SOAS, University of London.
She has contributed to output in the world’s leading newsrooms, including Bloomberg, BBC, Thomson Reuters and ITN.
Juliana is passionate about the learning outcomes of children. As somebody who was born, raised, and educated in Newham she is familiar with the difficulties that some young people may face from less privileged backgrounds. Juliana will use her communication skills to achieve the desired outcomes of the school.
Ms Paula Jeffers
Paula recently retired after 37 years from a senior position in the financial services industry, namely Deloitte LLP in London.
In addition to her finance and business development experience, Paula also has a great understanding of mentoring and coaching, leadership, strategy and training.
As a Trustee at TTLT, Paula aims to contribute energy, enthusiasm, a ‘get involved’ approach and time, to get to know all the schools within the Trust and its communities.
Ms Helen Lam - Chair of Governors
Co-Opted member Helen became a Governor of Curwen in September 2021. She is a business professional, with experience in both the public and private sectors. She brings strong communication, project management and team working skills to the role of governor, as well as a commitment to serving her community. Helen is also Chair of Governors for Rebecca Cheetham, and a company board member of another trust in East London. Professionally, she works as Head of Social Impact for Marsh Ltd (insurance and risk management sector).
Name | Governor Role | Term of Office | Declarations of Interests |
Paul Harris | Executive Headteacher | Not recorded | Held |
Kate Mansfield | Head of School | Not recorded | Held |
Joan Spencer | Co-opted Member |
Start Date: 10/03/2020 End Date: 09/03/2024 |
Held |
Helen Lam | Chair of Governors (Co-opted Member) |
Start Date: 05/10/2021 End Date: 04/10/2025 |
Held |
Carly Tully | Staff Governor |
Start Date: 01/02/2022 End Date: 31/01/2026 |
Held |
Juliana Olayinka | Parent Governor |
Start Date: 13/12/2021 End Date: 12/12/2025 |
Held |
Justyna Tosun | Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted Member) |
Start Date: 06/10/2020 End Date: 05/10/2024 |
Held |
Paula Jeffers | Board Appointed |
Start Date: 16/11/2021 End Date: 15/11/2025 |
Held |
Shaba Ali | Parent Governor |
Start Date: 28/09/2020 End Date: 27/09/2024 |
Held |
Swasthi Mahabeer | Board Appointed |
Start Date: 21/09/2021 End Date: 20/09/2025 |
Held |